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The Order of Wealth

The Order of Wealth is the systematic, step-by-step process to achieving your financial goals. Through this process, your financial system will be built upon a foundation that will withstand the financial peaks and valleys of life. 

Family at a Beach

Phase 1: Control

1. Controlled Spending 

Controlled spending, budgeting, +/- output-- however you define what money is coming in vs. what money is going out monthly, your first step towards financial freedom starts with the basics of personal and business finance. 

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”

Ayn Rand

Car Singing

Phase 2: Capitalize

1. Debt Elimination

The first step is a focused effort toward eliminating debt. This may mean we using traditional methods of debt elimination or we may get creative and use debt elimination accelerators such as a HELOC or Cash-Out Refinance to speed up your process

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”

Jim Rohn

Modern Office

Phase 3: Invest Wisely

What interests you?

If you've been diligent in following the order of wealth to this point, hopefully you've researched and educated yourself on different areas to invest that may interest you. Our suggestion at this point is to take a hard look at where you'd like to put a portion of your $100,000 to go grow 

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