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Protect What Means the Most

We offer a range of life insurance products to fit your specific needs. The life insurance needs calculator fits you with the correct amount.

Life Products We Offer

Every situation is different. Get a product that fits your needs, at the price

you feel most comfortable with.

Term Life

Basic, Term Life Insurance. We offer 10, 15, 20, and 30-year term insurance policies at a low price point. This way, you can cover exactly what you need to cover at the lowest price possible. 

Whole Life

Whole Life Insurance is a flexible product that allows insureds to access a cash savings, as well as protection against untimely death. These policies are permanent, meaning your death benefit will pay your beneficiary, regardless of the age you pass on.

Indexed Universal Life

Indexed Universal Life Insurance is similar to Whole Life Insurance, but you're able to get a lower cost death benefit, while enjoying the upsides of the market and protecting yourself from the downturns of the market. These are also permanent policies.

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Fruitland, ID 83619

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